Wiki Seeking opinions!


Lubbock, TX
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I have the rare opportunity to make a difference in our coding and billing processes, and I've thought of some of the things that I think should be addressed, but I want to get some thoughts from other people with different perspectives...(and not a gripe-fest, please!)
So I have 3 questions...(pick one, or answer them all...I'll take all of it!):D

If you were given the chance to make some changes to improve the whole documentation/coding/billing process, what would you do?

What would you want better training in? (Or if you don't need training, what kind of training do you wish you had gotten?)

If things are running somewhat smoothly in your place of business, to what do you attribute your office/company's success?
If you work in a billing company I would suggest reviewing all your clients super bills to make sure they are current with the coding. Our company does that with all new clients, but I would suggest making it an annual review.
Honestly, whether you work for the billing company or in the office or med record department, the best way to assure better accuracy in coding is to make sure the coder is reading the notes every time. No matter how up to date the super bill is, it can never be as accurate as the coder reading the note and then using that to apply the code. Also make sure all coder read and know the coding guidelines for the ICD-9. Many issues can be set to rest by reading the guidelines. Also from my travels and teachings I have discovered that a ton of coders are not taught proper use of the coding books. The EMR is no replacement for the books at this time but knowing how to use them and what the ntations mean can be very key. So many coders come to me and have no idea what an exclusion note means! These are the key things I see and hear from the coders that come to my classes.