Wiki Seeking a position


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Greetings, as a new graduate, the only positions I see require experience. How can new CPC A get jobs while all jobs say experience needed. Entry level positions are scarce to non existent. With the implementation of IDC 10 coming, I thought there would be jobs. Is anyone hiring new CPC A ?
The best advice I received when I was in that position was to take ANY job that got your foot in the door. I started as a per diem with demographic registration and worked into a billing position and was finally hired full time 5 months in. I worked the billing position until a coding position opened and tested for that. I know it is tough and very frustrating but we all have to pay our dues and in the end it is worth it. Look at hospital and physician jobs, scanning, chart review, registration, basically anything that adds to your overall knowledge base and once you are "in" start looking at what else is coming up. Best of luck!