Wiki Seeing an Inpatient for f/u when you are not the attending MD

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I had one our of physicians today ask if he could see a patient that is currently an inpatient. The patient is due for a six month follow up and our doctor was at the hospital doing a satellite clinic in the out patient section of the hospital He was not consulted by the attending physician, but thought he could just see the patient since he was there. I know we can't bill for an inpatient consult (99222) or an out patient E&M visit. I'm thinking we could just bill for a subsequent hospital visit, but wanted to know if anyone has run across this before.
What is the medical necessity for the visit to occur during this hospital stay?

Seems like the only reason for the visit to occur in the hospital is the physician's convenience.
In my opinion, it's not really appropriate for a provider to be doing this, and likely may even be against the hospital's internal guidelines or could be taken by the attending MD as interference. During an inpatient stay, the patient is under the care of the attending physician and services of other providers are normally limited to just those that the attending or consulting physicians have specifically ordered or requested as part of their inpatient treatment plan. If a consultation has not been requested of your provider, then your provider cannot make any treatment decisions or changes to the patient's care plan, and given that the patient's condition may change, there really is no purpose for being there. They should probably reschedule the follow-up until after discharge when the patient's condition has been stabilized, so that the final outcome of the hospitalization can be evaluated and incorporated into the patient's continuing care plan at that time. All that said, though, this isn't really a question the provider should be asking of their coder as it is up to them to do what it necessary and correct for the patient, so if they do see the patient, then you should code and bill accordingly.
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Thanks for the input. The physician did not end up seeing the patient. I honestly did not think he could see the patient without a request from the admitting or attending physician.