Wiki secondary HTN due to coarctation of aorta

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How is SECONDARY HTN secondary to coarctation of aorta coded?
According to OCG I7a7, two codes are needed, : one to identify the underlying etiology (COARCTATION OF AORTA), and one from category 405 to identify the HTN 747.10, 405.99

However, there is another OCG rule C 14 a, says that when the code assignment specifically identifies the anomaly, manifestations that are an inherent component are NOT coded. 747.10

So which guideline do I go by and why?? To me, an inherent manifestion of coarctation of aorta would be "narrowing or stenosis of aorta" which is code 747.22, which would NOT be coded.

However, is SECONDARY HTN an inherent component or a manifestation?

Any insight is MUCH apprecieated.

Shari, CPC-A:confused:
Coarctation of aorta

Yes. Coarctation of aorta is one of the reason for secondary hypertension but it is not the only reason for that. There are many conditions to cause the secondary hypertension (CKD, sleep apnea,pregnancy,thyroid dysfunction,coarctation of aorta).

Code assignment (405.99) does not specfies the cause or manifestation or etiology in its description. So we have to code addtional code (747.10) to explain the cause for secondary hypertension.

I will suggest you can code both codes 747.10,405.99.

Dhanesh M