Wiki Second Casting in a Global Period


Dayton, PA
Best answers
Can anyone explain to me what Medicare considers reasonable and necessary for a second casting of a fracture in a global period.

Example: If a patient fractures his wrist on 8/12/15 and comes in for a follow up on 8/26/15 and the doctor takes the cast off to do an x-ray and puts another cast on.

Is this reasonable and necessary? I have tried coding for the application of the cast but get denied. I put a modifier 58 on the application code.

I have been told by a supervisor that we can not bill for a second casting but everthing I read from medicare/medicaide it states we can.

With that said I feel we are missing out on being reimbursed for the application of casts/splints.

Any help would be appreciated. :confused:

Thank you,

You can bill for the second casting. You do have to put the 58' modifier on the casting code.
2nd Casting

Thank you for the input, I do not know if I put the modifier 58 on it or not I can not remember and that may be why it was denied.

Thanks for the help!
