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How long did it take to get 1st coding job w/o any previous experience ?

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Philadelphia, PA
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Approximately 2 years ago I decided I wanted my kids to experience a better way of living than barely getting by as they have watched me do for past 11 years on social security disability. Thanks to successfully medical treatment I am desperately trying to get off disability & return to work. I formally worked as a MA. I went to school for billing & coding doing terrific may i add in school with final grade of 95% & 100% certain coding is what I'm meant to do with my life!I passed my certification on first attempt & thought my new career was about to begin! Just as kids speak of what they want for Christmas my children were speaking of all the items they wanted once I was working in the field. Sadly it wasn't anything extraordinary they looked forwarded to but opportunities most take for granted. My children & I have never been able to purchase clothing or anything else really brand new. ALL WE'VE KNOWN&COULD MANAGE IS SECOND HAND SHOPS OR HAND ME DOWNS!I've been certified & seeking employment since OCTOBER of 2013! PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS OR ADVICE ON HOW I CAN FIND MY FIRST CODING POSITION TO BEGIN BUILDING THE EXPERIENCE ITS SEEMS EVERYONE REQUIRES I'D GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!I am not sure how to check if anyone has responded so please either email or call me with any & all possible advice or suggestions. My email: and/or phone#215-350-8055:confused: