Wiki Scrotoplasy?


Philadelphia, PA
Best answers
Would this be consider a simple scrotoplasty?

Distal incision was made with #15 blade and the penis was degloved using electrocautery. All bleeding was controlled using electrocautery. Using an allis clamp along the dorsal shaft of the penis, the subcutaneous tissue near the pubic symphysis was grabbed and the proximal dorsal shaft was anchored to this tissue with a simple 4-0 PDS stitch. Next, we anchored Buck's fascia to the dermal tissue near the penoscrotal junction at the 5' and 7 o'clock with a 4-0 PDS with great care to avoid the urethra. This then locked the penis into place and corrected the concealment. Next, we turned our attention toward completing the circumcision. We started by creating a dorsal slit of the prepuce until appropriate skin coverage dorsally on the shaft was obtained. The 12 o'clock position was then stitched into place with a 5-0 fast gut stitch. Next a similar technique was used to align the skin ventrally and to ensure correct skin fit on the shaft. The 6 o'clock position was likewise sutured into place with a 5-0 fast gut stitch. Next the lateral sides were trimmed using the electrocautery to ensure an appropriate skin fit and both sides were sutured into placed using 5-0 fast gut running stitch. Hemostasis was noted to be excellent. The penis was straight and of appropriate length at the end of the procedure.