Wiki screening vs finding question


Medford, NJ
Best answers
Can anyone tell me the correct way to dx code a screening exam with a finding? for example, if we do a Ct Chest for lung nodule screeeing and then we do find a nodule how should it be coded? thank you.

If the reason for the test is a "screening" you have to list the appropriate V code as the first diagnosis code on the claim like V76.0... , then any abnormal findings/diagnosis thereafter. Like screening colonoscopy, if the Dr finds a polyp, the polpy is the second listed diagnosis code. The guidelines for the order of the codes to be listed is in the desciptor in blue under the V76.0 code.
Can anyone tell me the correct way to dx code a screening exam with a finding? for example, if we do a Ct Chest for lung nodule screeeing and then we do find a nodule how should it be coded? thank you.


It's difficult for me to reason a screening CT chest exam there must have been some S/S for the CT. With that being said I'd use the findings and/or S/S dx.
have any one encounter an order with problem list as screening for lunc cancer and lung nodule? would you only capture the lung nodule and consider it as sign and symptom?