Wiki Screening vs diagnostic colonoscopy-Indications for procedure


Northeast Kansas AAPC
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Indications for procedure: Patient presented with a strangulated colono within a spigelian hernia and underwent colectomy and end colostomy. She has progressed well and was appropriate for colostomy reversal. She is due to a screening colonoscopy prior to reversal.

I am thinking that this should be a diagnostic colonoscopy 45378 but not sure about diagnosis. Or would it be a "sceening" colonoscopy??

Thanks for your help.
The OP-Rpt Postoperative dx must state "Screening Colonscopy", in order to use screening (V76.51) as a diagnosis code. You will not be able to assume that the 45378 will be your procedure code until the physician has completed the procedure. Then you will code the procedure according to his findings (be it a normal colonscopy with no abnormal findings (45378), w/biopsy (45380) removal of polyps, etc.).
Depending on insurance carrier, check your procedure codes (If Medicare and it's a diag. colonscopy, then it would be G0101). da