Wiki Screening pelvic exam (duplicate... sorry)

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
What is the correct way to code for the Annual Pelvic Pap exam for medicare patients?
(88142 w/ V72.31?)
Last edited:
Q0091 for screening pap, G0101 for screeninig for breast/pelvic. Use V72.31. V76.2 V76.47 or V76.49 or V15.89 if patient is high risk.

This is per Medicare's Quick Reference for Preventive Services.
Q0091 for screening pap, G0101 for screeninig for breast/pelvic. Use V72.31. V76.2 V76.47 or V76.49 or V15.89 if patient is high risk.

This is per Medicare's Quick Reference for Preventive Services.

And this is all part of the Affordable Care act...correct?
Not exactly. Screening Pap/pelvic services were covered before ACA, annually for high-risk, and every two years otherwise.