Wiki Screening mammogram

From your note that he is assessing for a primary malignancy makes it diagnostic. The liver nodules will have to be sufficient for a dx.
Easy way to sort screening from diagnostic

There is an easy way to sort screening from diagnostic.

Ask yourself, what is the reason for the test?

If it is ROUTINE, and done as preventive medicine, it is screening. "I'm here because it's been 12 months since my last one."

If it is ordered as a REACTION to a finding or symptom, it is diagnostic. "I'm here because ...I'm worried," or " doctor is worried."

This one is diagnostic.
v76.12, v16.3, 235.3

Patient has no breast symptoms. Liver nodules were found on CT and due to a family history of breast cancer, physician orders a "screening" mammo to assess for a primary malignancy site. Would this be a screening mammo or diagnostic. I think screening since that is what was ordered and there were no symptoms. Mammo's are coded by chargemaster and diagnostic mammo was entered but I think that is incorrect.