Wiki screening mammo vs diagnostic


Bessemer, Alabama
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Breast cancer always diag??? If Rad dept routinely does extra exaggerated axilla view on hx of breast ca patients, does this make mammo diagonostic, even if ordered as screening?
Once you have been diagnosed with breast cancer you will always have to a diagnostic mammogram with a dx code of personal history of breast cancer even if you were scheduled for a screening per the ACR

Q: What type of mammogram should a patient receive who has a personal history of biopsy-proven benign breast disease?

A: According to the ACR Standard for Diagnostic Mammography, a diagnostic mammogram is appropriate for patients with a personal history of biopsy-proven benign breast disease. Also, as noted in the Dec. 8, 1995 Federal Register, CMS expanded its definition of diagnostic mammography to include a personal history of biopsy-proven benign breast disease, thereby allowing the attending physician and the patient the opportunity to determine whether a screening mammogram or diagnostic mammogram is performed.

As you can see it is up to the referring physician to determine if he/she would like a screening or diagnostic performed. Just because the patient has a hx of breast cancer DOES NOT mean the pt must have a diagnostic performed.
Once you have been diagnosed with breast cancer you will always have to a diagnostic mammogram with a dx code of personal history of breast cancer even if you were scheduled for a screening per the ACR

This is not true. For Medicare at least, the patient and her doctor make the decision as to whether or not a diagnostic mammogam or screening is necessary. If they decide that only a screening is necessary, then that is what you must do.