Wiki Screening lab denials/angry patients


Montevideo, MN
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We have an issue (as I am sure most do) where the patient presents for a physical and has what they deem as "screening labs", however the patient hasa diagnosis. Example: Patient wants screening cholesterol but is already on medication. The ICD-9 code is diagnostic, pateints insurance company says "they need to code it as screening" patient is in the middle and angry.

I am looking to see what others do for these situations.

Thank you
We have an issue (as I am sure most do) where the patient presents for a physical and has what they deem as "screening labs", however the patient hasa diagnosis. Example: Patient wants screening cholesterol but is already on medication. The ICD-9 code is diagnostic, pateints insurance company says "they need to code it as screening" patient is in the middle and angry.

I am looking to see what others do for these situations.

Thank you

Your right it is not screening it is drug monitoring and should be coded as such.. V58.83, V58.6-
screening lab denials/angry patients

Yes, but how do you handle the angry patients? Do the providers educate them prior to the bloodwork?
Most do not, and honestly it is the patients responsibility to know what is covered as screening. But as we both know this is not going to happen in most cases. Education then needs to happen at the provider office when the test is ordered.