Wiki Screening dx for colonoscopy


mawhah, NJ
Best answers
I have a question. If a person is coming in for a scheduled anual screening for a colonoscopy but also is getting it done before a major surgery (kidney transplant), would you use the preop dx code as well and/or as the 1st dx? Or make the routine screening code V76.51 the primary dx and the v72.84 second? What would you do? Please help!!!

Thank you!!!

In my mind, it's a screening, whether it's a regular screening or one for pre-operative purposes. Pre-operative consults and examinations typically don't include screenings....they are designed to allow the consultant to determine whether or not any pre-existing conditions pose any intra-operative or post-operative risk to the patient (not to mention that you won't get paid without a diagnosis other than the reason for surgery) So I'd code the V76.51 primary. My opinion, anyway.