Wiki Screening colonoscopies


East Haven, Connecticut
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ok, this is going to sound odd...but I was asked to check.

When performing a screening colonoscopy, we usually use the dx code Z12.11, screening for malignant neoplasm of the colon. I was just asked why wouldn't we also use Z12.12, screening for malignant neoplasm of the rectum? I'm assuming, but could be wrong, that you would only need Z12.11, as the screening of the colon dx includes the rectum. (but it doesn't actually specify this in the description) What are your thoughts? Have you ever had a provider bill a colonoscopy with both Z12.11 and Z12.12?
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My own thought on it is since this is a colonoscopy that using a diagnoses for the colon only reduces denials for service not covered. Yes, the rectum is examined, but I can see a carrier denying a colonoscopy with a diagnoses for the rectum.