Wiki screening colon with findings


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if we are doing an outpatient procedure for a pt that is having a screening colon he had no symptoms. we find polyps during the procedure would we code the polyps first or the screening code first.:confused:
Screening Colonoscopy with Findings

I code procedures like this often. This is coming from 2011 Decision Health article regarding Medicare Part B News. "Leave the reason for the screening-a V code (V76.51)-as the primary diagnosis. Use the actual findings from the colonoscopy when listing a secondary diagnosis." However, if the doctor removes something, you would need to use the diagnostic CPT code based on how the polyp was removed. Append Modifier PT or 33 to the CPT code according to whether the patient has Medicare or a commerical insurance. PT for Medicare and 33 for Commercial. This will indicate that the procedure started as a screening. I hope this helps!
I agree with DFlemings. That's what we do too. I was given this information by and Karen Kupdzo and Associates. I haven't had any problems with denials.