Wiki Screening codes


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Can someone help clarify something? Is a depression screening (G0444) and cardiovascular risk screening (G0446) included in AEV (G0439)? I am pretty sure the depression screening is but wanted confirmation.
G0444 is included in both the IPPE (G0402) and the initial AWV (G0438).

it can be billed with the subsequent AWV (G0439)

per WPS:


In some cases, Medicare bundles depression screening into other services.

Depression screening can occur in the same visit as an evaluation and management (E/M) service. The depression screening service typically bundles into the E/M service. The E/M service requires Medicare to assign patient liability. Patients often do not understand why they receive a bill for the E/M service.

Medicare uses the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) edits to determine bundling.

Follow these steps to determine if a code pays separately:

  • Use documentation to determine which procedure codes to bill
  • Go to the CMS NCCI PTP Coding Edits web page
  • Choose PTP Coding Edits from left side menu
  • In the Related Links section, select the link based on the:
    • Provider type
    • Date of service
    • Procedure code performed along with depression screening
  • Verify if HCPCS code G0444 is in column B with the other procedure code in column A
  • Use indicator in column F to verify if Medicare allows use of a modifier
    • To report a modifier, documentation must support a separately identifiable service
Common services performed with G0444 and bundling status:

  • Initial Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE) G0402
    • G0444 bundles as a component of G0402
    • No modifier overrides this edit
  • Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), initial G0438
    • G0444 bundles as a component of G0438
    • No modifier overrides this edit
  • Annual Wellness Visit, subsequent G0439
    • G0444 is separately billable from G0439
    • No edit is active, no required modifier
  • Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services
    • G0444 bundles as a component of the E/M
    • Use column F to verify Medicare allows use of modifier to indicate Medicare considers the services separately
    • When documentation supports it, use a modifier to show a separately billable service
G0444 is included in both the IPPE (G0402) and the initial AWV (G0438).

it can be billed with the subsequent AWV (G0439)

per WPS:


In some cases, Medicare bundles depression screening into other services.

Depression screening can occur in the same visit as an evaluation and management (E/M) service. The depression screening service typically bundles into the E/M service. The E/M service requires Medicare to assign patient liability. Patients often do not understand why they receive a bill for the E/M service.

Medicare uses the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) edits to determine bundling.

Follow these steps to determine if a code pays separately:

  • Use documentation to determine which procedure codes to bill
  • Go to the CMS NCCI PTP Coding Edits web page
  • Choose PTP Coding Edits from left side menu
  • In the Related Links section, select the link based on the:
    • Provider type
    • Date of service
    • Procedure code performed along with depression screening
  • Verify if HCPCS code G0444 is in column B with the other procedure code in column A
  • Use indicator in column F to verify if Medicare allows use of a modifier
    • To report a modifier, documentation must support a separately identifiable service
Common services performed with G0444 and bundling status:

  • Initial Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE) G0402
    • G0444 bundles as a component of G0402
    • No modifier overrides this edit
  • Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), initial G0438
    • G0444 bundles as a component of G0438
    • No modifier overrides this edit
  • Annual Wellness Visit, subsequent G0439
    • G0444 is separately billable from G0439
    • No edit is active, no required modifier
  • Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services
    • G0444 bundles as a component of the E/M
    • Use column F to verify Medicare allows use of modifier to indicate Medicare considers the services separately
    • When documentation supports it, use a modifier to show a separately billable service
Thank you so much for providing this very useful information with instructions as well.