Wiki Schwannoma - 2 surgeons how to bill for each surgeon


Punta Gorda, FL
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Hello. Our ENT doctor and one of our general surgeons performed a surgery together.

A brief summary of the procedure is: (ENT doctor) Working through a smal horizontal upper neck incision the vascular control was obtained easily. The tumor was exposed.

The tumor was then removed by the general surgeon.

(ENT doctor) The wound was closed in a standard fashion with estimated blood loss was 50 cc.

I want to code this for both doctors using the same code with a modifier 62. The ENT doctor is telling me there should be a code for the approach to the tumor separate from the general surgeon's code.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. If there is a code out there for just the approach, please let me know. Thanks!
Modifier 62

Without seeing both operative notes it's hard to give you an accurate response.

However, it appears to me that this would be a co-surgery, using the same code(s) for both surgeons with a -62 modifier on each. You MUST coordinate this with the general surgeon because both have to use the same CPT codes and modifiers!

A similar situation is anterior spinal fusion, where a general surgeon opens the approach, and closes, while the orthopaedic or neuro-surgeon performs the arthrodesis.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC