Wiki same group practice


Los Angeles, California
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In the definition of the new or established person in the E/M guidelines of CPT book, there is a sentence that seems to have a vague meaning;

" A established person is one who has recceived professional services from the physician/ qualified health professional OR ANOTHER PHYSICIAN/QUALIFIED HEALTH CARE PROFESSINAL OF THE EXACT SAME SPECIALTY AND SUBSPECIALTY WHO BELONGS TO THE SAME GROUP PRACTICE, WITHIN THE PAST THREE TEARS"
In the bold part of the above definition what does "who belongs to the same group practice" mean?
Does it mean that this second physicaian who they are talking about should work in the exact same place (practice) with the first physician? like the case in large clinics that a group of professionals work together?
Group practice is defined by TIN even if its in a different office or state its the same practice if its same TIN. So if they are new to the provider, it can be billed as New unless that have seen someone else with the same specialty and subspecialty under the same TIN in the last 3 years.