Wiki Same drug infused and then pushed...


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Patient comes for chemotherapy, is given Benadry as an infusion and after chemotherapy drug infusion is complete patient is given Benadryl once again but as a push... So, Benadryl, antineoplastic drug, Benadryl...
We are a physicians office therefore can not use 96376 for the 2nd dose of Benadryl, so is that 2nd ivp charge lost? Is there another way of billing this? Is the ivp inclusive with the infusion of same drug?. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If I am not mistaken, because the same drugs were given prior to chemo as after chemo, they count as 1 infusion all together. So there will be only 1 administration code reported for them. Add the time before and after chemo to determine the correct therapeutic infusion code.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong. I'm working today on a holiday and my brain is still sleeping :)
Multiple IVPs same drug

Yes, I agree. The code descriptor of 96375 says each additional sequential in push of a NEW substance/drug. So multiple pushes only get one admin code.

Tricia D
I understand that my scenario below would be unlikely, but bear with me...

If the benadryl was initially given as an infusion over 85 minutes and then later on the same DOS given as a push over 10 minutes, wouldn't you add those 2 times together (85+10=95) which would allow you to bill 96367 and 96366 (since you are 31+ minutes into the next hour)?

Does anyone out there have any references to help clarify this type of issue? It doesn't seem to be addressed sufficiently in the CPT manual. :confused:
