Wiki Same billing address multiple specialties

Seekonk, MA
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I work for a behavioral health agency and we provide ABA services. A speech language pathologist is looking for a practice space and has asked to rent out a portion of our office to provide services to clients. We would like to be able to offer our current ABA clients the ability to see the SLP either concurrently or in the same day (back to back appointments). Our ABA practice bills under a group NPI with a rendering provider. The SLP will be billing as herself and is not part of our practice just renting space. Can I bill these services concurrently? Can I bill them in the same day if not able to bill at the same time? My biggest concern is the same billing address issue. Thank you for your help.
I'm not sure what you mean by "concurrently"... how can you have an appointment with your provider and an appointment with an SLP at the same time?

You could avoid a problem with renting space to someone by putting a sub-unit on the suite. For instance, if you are Suite 100, you can rent as Suite 100-A. Frankly, I don't think it would be a problem, but if the physical setup would work for that, I would probably do it anyway.

Make sure the rent amount is a set amount and sharing patients or referrals has no financial impact.

As long as the SLP is not billing any of the same codes as your providers are billing, the same-day portion should not be an issue.
I'm not sure what you mean by "concurrently"... how can you have an appointment with your provider and an appointment with an SLP at the same time?

You could avoid a problem with renting space to someone by putting a sub-unit on the suite. For instance, if you are Suite 100, you can rent as Suite 100-A. Frankly, I don't think it would be a problem, but if the physical setup would work for that, I would probably do it anyway.

Make sure the rent amount is a set amount and sharing patients or referrals has no financial impact.

As long as the SLP is not billing any of the same codes as your providers are billing, the same-day portion should not be an issue.

Thank you so much for your assistance. We wanted, if possible, do be able to have the SLP come in during ABA sessions for evaluations or clinical suggestions for our significantly non verbal kiddos. What do you mean by financial impact? The sub unit seems like it would work as well. Do you know if there would be any medicaid issues or if this may solve those issues by having the sub unit?
I mean, make sure the rent you charge is a flat fee, and does not change with how many patients the SLP sees, or whether any of those are your patients. For instance, if you say, "we'll drop your rent by 1% for every time you see one of our patients, that is a kickback and is illegal. Just a tip.

If the child has a session as your office, that is a complete session. If they book before or after for a session with the SLP, that is a complete session. I would not combine them, unless you hire the SLP as part of your corporation.
Our ABA practice bills under a group NPI with a rendering provider. The SLP will be billing as herself and is not part of our practice just renting space. Can I bill these services concurrently? Can I bill them in the same day if not able to bill at the same time?

Why would you be responsible for billing a provider that is not part of your practice?