Wiki Saline TKO


Sumter, SC
Best answers
We have always billed saline to TKO and just found out it inclusive to the treatment and cannot bill. However, we have never been denied on it. Can anyone tell me if its wrong why its never been denied before?
Similar to Heparin KVO

Check the guidelines before the chemotherapy admin. codes. Any supplies, fluids, heparin are considered incidental and not separately reportable if used as part of the delivery vehicle. They are considered bundled from what I have heard.
We have always billed saline to TKO and just found out it inclusive to the treatment and cannot bill. However, we have never been denied on it. Can anyone tell me if its wrong why its never been denied before?

exactly how were you billing? and what dx code were you linking it to?
We were only billing for TKO and if it was ran with drugs other than chemo. It was linked to all the codes we used, for example: V58.11 and 174.9.