Wiki Sacroiliac Joint Radiofrequency Ablation

Kapolie, HI
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Hello So I am about a year new to billing, and one topic I am having a hard time understanding is the billing of LRF's and SRF's. I know the CPT code for billing SRF's is 64625. I also know that no more than two sessions are allowed in 12 month rolling calendar year per "REGION" so my question is this, the Sacroiliac joint is the S1-S5 and the LRF is L1-L5 for billing are they not in different regions? The L5 is connected to the S1. So if a patient let's say has an LRF done in December on RT side then the LT side in January could an SRF be done Let's say a few months later. This is just a hypothetical situation as far as dates. CMS guidelines on SRF's are not quite clear and concise and the guidelines. I do know all insurance are "suppose" to follow Medicare guidleines, but this is not always the case. I also know that the pain managemetn proactice I work for use to use 64640 for all SRF's . To my understanding 64640 is for the Genicular Ablation of the knee??
Any advice/help in understanding is greatly appreciated.