Wiki S codes


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What are S codes and what are they used for? I am starting to bill for a PCP and noticed
S50.1 listed on the superbill. Never coded this on a charge before. Can I bill this code out for professional services ?????

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but I found it on the internet. Sorry for the length but I hope it's helpful! Donna

This section includes the Family PACT (Planning, Access, Care and Treatment) primary diagnosis
S-codes used for billing all Family PACT services.

Primary Diagnosis S-Code In place of the limited ICD-9-CM V codes for contraceptive services in
Required on Claims the ICD-9-CM code book, Family PACT has a unique S-code system that is used for the diagnosis of family planning methods. These codes are used to identify the primary family planning and complication services covered by the program. Primary family planning services include evaluation prior to a family planning method choice, and surveillance while continuing to use a family planning method.

Claims for Family PACT services must contain a primary diagnosis
S-code. Family PACT claims are required to have an S-code in the primary diagnosis field of the claim form.

Note: Do not use an ICD-9-CM code in the primary diagnosis field of the claim.

Primary Family Planning Primary Family PACT benefits are categorized according to the
Benefits following eight family planning methods.

Category Description
S10 Oral contraceptives, contraceptive patch and vaginal ring
S20 Contraceptive injections
S30 Contraceptive implants
S40 Intrauterine contraceptives
S50 Barrier/fertility awareness methods
S60 Pregnancy testing only
S70 Female sterilization
S80 Vasectomy – male sterilization