Wiki RVUs

Glen Carbon, IL
Best answers
I was wondering how to calculate RVUs for a bilateral inguinal hernia repair. Do we double the RVUs? And also we have some unlisted codes we have used. How do we determine the RVUs for that? Thank you!
I was wondering how to calculate RVUs for a bilateral inguinal hernia repair. Do we double the RVUs? And also we have some unlisted codes we have used. How do we determine the RVUs for that? Thank you!

For the bilateral surgery, I'd use 1.5 time the RVU, not double.

Codes with Bilateral Surgery Indicator 1 are reimbursed by Medicare at 150% of the fee schedule amount, which indicates to me that Medicare is placing a similar value on the RVUs involved with the bilateral surgery.
I was wondering how to calculate RVUs for a bilateral inguinal hernia repair. Do we double the RVUs? And also we have some unlisted codes we have used. How do we determine the RVUs for that? Thank you!
What are you calculating the RVUs for?
If it is to determine the fees, I definitely agree with the above advice for 1.5. For unlisted, you will need to determine a comparable code and should use the RVUs for that.
Is it to determine physician productivity (and potential bonuses or reimbursement)? If so, it would likely be easy enough to use the 1.5 for modifier -50. For unlisted, it could be a very manual process of determining the RVUs for each unlisted code billed. If you typically use a specific unlisted code for the same procedure repeatedly, you could set the RVUs for that unlisted code. Or you may decide unlisted are so rarely used, you won't count them at all. Or you may decide to use just a very simple round number to very widely approximate.