Wiki Rule of Nines


Camp Douglas, WI
Best answers
when calculating the TBSA, if the front of the thigh has a 2 degree burn would the total area be 4.5 % or 9% I am thinking it would be 4.5%. I can't find documentation anywhere that states you divide the area if it is not the entire front of the leg. Thanks for any help:confused:
Which is why ...

You cannot really tell from the description how extensive the burn is ... Which is why I require that the provider document the %TBSA in these cases.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
regarding 948 codes for extent of surface involvement a coding clinic from the past indicated these codes are to be used for 3rd degree only and only when 3rd degree involves 20% or more body surface.
the guidelines are more vague but I have never used a 948 for 2nd degree burns
from the guidelines:
Assign codes from category 948, Burns
Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved, when the site of the burn is not specified or when there is a need for additional data. It is advisable to use category 948 as additional coding when needed to provide data for evaluating burn mortality, such as that needed by burn units. It is also advisable to use category 948 as an additional code for reporting purposes when there is mention of a third-degree burn involving 20 percent or more of the body surface.