Wiki RT colectomy w/ removal of termi ileum & anastamosis & LT colectomy w/anastamosi OPEN


Escondido, CA
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RT colectomy w/ removal of termi ileum & anastamosis & LT colectomy w/anastamosi OPEN

44140 & 44160 is bundled. I've had this only a couple of times before & I think it was small bowel. It doesn't seem right that two different sides of the colon are bundled.

I'm not going to post the op report as it's quite lengthy even with cut & paste sections but the description & codes are the same.

Any input would be appreciated.
The codes may be used for right (44160) or left (44140) colectomies but they do not specifically state "left colon" or "right colon" which is why they are bundled:

As they are written, a "partial colectomy with with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy" (code 44160) would include a "partial colectomy with anastomosis" (44140).

Hi Carol - thanks for your prompt response. I understand that RT & LT is not in the description, it seems that if it's like 2 separate procedures, each would be reportable - like the enterectomy. Thanks again...
I think your best bet is to append a -22 to the 44160 and send the report. The second anastomosis is "increased procedural service" even if it is not separately billable.