Wiki ROS-quick question-need fast replies pls.


Dennis Port, MA
Best answers
Patient comes in & completes an in-take (ROS) sheet. The nurse may review w/patient "prior" to physician seeing patient. Upon exam physician should also review this info w/patient.

HOWEVER- regardless of fact physician intialed and dated "this in-take ROS" form DOESN'T the physician ALSO have to NOTE IN EXAM notes that "ROS has been reviewed and all negative except chief complaint noted".

I believe (and may be wrong-please advise me on this) that regardless of a doctors initials/signature & date on this ROS sheet patient completes, IF the doctor DID NOT NOTE ROS in the actual EXAM NOTE, it is as if THE ROS WAS NOT VERIFIED/DONE, correct. And that in-take sheet cannot be "counted"" towards any ROS points to determine level of service.

I really need some quick replies to this!!

Thanks in advance.
For the record, I did check on CMS website for guidelines but I believe my supervisor is misinterpreting it.

Per CMS guidelines it notes:

The ROS and/or PFSH may be recorded by ancillary staff or on a form completed by the patient. To document that the physician reviewed the information, there must be a "notation" supplementing or confirm ing the information recorded by others.

So again, if the physician fails to reference ROS statement IN THE ACTUAL EXAM note "then" this document cannot be counted towards ROS points,correct?

Print it on the form

We print a statement ON the form:

By my signature below, I confirm that I have reviewed this information.

/s/ MD signature /d/ date

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC