Wiki ROS in IP Consult setting for initial visit


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
For 99221, 99222, 99223 how does ROS with less than 10 elements fit in?
I'm looking at an 8 page consult.
Going by my E&M worksheets, I see a history section with elements of history comprehensive except ROS. On my Consult note, I have 4 under HPI, 6 under ROS, and all 3 components for PFSH.
For ROS, I have 6 systems noted. We are ENT so a complete ROS is not always done.
If there are 6 elements under ROS, doesn't that make this initial consult a 99221 because of detailed and not comprehensive history?
thank you
That's correct. If the ROS is not complete then the history is detailed at most, and the highest level that can be supported is 99221 (unless it can be billed using time).
For Ear Nose, and Throat, would it be appropriate for the MD to ask patien
t about all organ/body systems and note "All others negative" for endocrine, musculoskeletel etc, lymphatic, allergy/immunological, etc in order to rule out any other comorbidities or symptoms?