Wiki Ros -Gastroenterology


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In this example of a ROS does this mean that no review of these systems were done or does it mean that there are no changes in the Ros from last visit and if so would the statement of no count.

Follow-Up Review of Systems
no Cardiology:. no Endocrinology:. no Gastroenterology:. no Neurology:. no Psychology:. no Pulmonology:.
I would have to interpret this as no response given. The ROS remember is the patient responses regarding their medical history. That is why this would be interpreted by me as no response therefore nothing to count.
To pull a ROS from a previous encounter the provider must locate and date it in the note and state it was reviewed with the patient.
such as from my office (locate) note of 2/1/13 (date) ROS reviewed with patient and no changes.