Wiki ROS - Acceptable Statements

Skokie, IL
Best answers
For ROS, what would be an acceptable statement besides 'All other Systems reviewed are negative'?
Could you accept:
'Unobtainable at this time'
'ROS is currently limited'
for the unobtainable statement it must state why it is unobtainable.
"ROS is currently limited" tells us nothing about the ROS, so I view that as an unacceptable statement. There must be some pertinent positves and/or negatives documented.
For TrailBlazers, the "all other" statement is not acceptable.
WPS Medicare

WPS will NOT give credit for a full ROS if you are unable to obtain due to (whatever ... coma, trauma, non-English speaking, child without parent present). They instruct specifically to use the 99499 code in these circumstances and submit notes. S I G H.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC