Wiki Revision/Implant Exchange


Oak Ridge
Best answers
I'm needing some re-enforcement...

The surgeon has billed this as 19380-50 and 19342-50. :confused:

1. Bilateral revision of the reconstruction breast with bilateral
capsulorraphy and skin envelope reduction.
2. Bilateral implant exchange

According to my coding companion and from what I have been taught in the past when an implant is immediately replaced in the same surgical session it should be billed as 19340. I've always thought a 19342 should be billed after the surgery (on a later date). The coding companion even states for 19380"if the existing prosthesis is replaced, it may be reported separately, see 19340".

I value the opinion of my fellow coders and anyone has another opinion as to
how this should be billed, it would be greatly appreciated.

As always thank you for you help!
I agree with you that it should be 19340-50 based on just the information that you provided. 19342 is used after wound healing has taken place and a pocket is created for the implant.