Wiki Review of Systems?

The way I understand it is that the ROS is something the doctor does face to face with the patient or a questioner that the patient fills out. If that is so then the doctor would not be able to go back and add a review of systems. I am just needed other peoples outlook or guidelines on this issue. Thank you.
You cannot ask the provider to pad his documentation just to elevate the level of E&M code. You can use those examples to teach them to document more carefully the next time, as medically appropriate.

ROS is part of the subjective portion of the note, and is the patient's response to questions asked by the provider, or from a checkoff list that has been acknowledged by the provider. More isn't necessarily better.....the system review has to be relevant to the chief complaint. Review the 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines (from CMS), which will answer many of your questions.