Wiki Review of Systems


Longview, TX
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Please help!

One of the physicians in our practice routinely uses this statement when making an initial hospital visit or consult:

"Review of systems: Reviewed. The patient's review of systems found on the patient's chart under physician documentation is noncontributory."

How could that even be counted as a review?

What would you do in this scenario?

IMO, the problem boils down to the fact that he states the systems were reviewed, but does not indicate the findings. Although he mentions a review of something in the pt's chart, we don't know what exactly it is that he's referring to. Without a statement as to what systems he reviewed and/or if the findings were negative or positive, just saying "Reviewed" doesn't elaborate enough to count as more than one system (the CC). "Complete ROS performed with no abnormal findings" is a totally different sentence than "Reviewed" if you know what I mean.
IMO, the problem boils down to the fact that he states the systems were reviewed, but does not indicate the findings. Although he mentions a review of something in the pt's chart, we don't know what exactly it is that he's referring to. Without a statement as to what systems he reviewed and/or if the findings were negative or positive, just saying "Reviewed" doesn't elaborate enough to count as more than one system (the CC). "Complete ROS performed with no abnormal findings" is a totally different sentence than "Reviewed" if you know what I mean.

Those were my thoughts also. Thanks for your help!