Wiki Review of Systems Time Limit


Lansing, MI
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Is there a time limit on how long the ROS can be documented as "No change in ROS"? Example: One of our docs saw a patient in 2011 and the complete ROS was done and documented. This patient is now coming back for the same problem and the documentation states there has been no change in the review of systems.

Is this okay or do we need to document each system again since it has been so long?

if the patient is coming back after 3 years or more he/she should be treated like a new patient. ROS needs to be redone.
CMS does not specify a time limit on ROS, but indicates a fairly recent review will only go so far. Best to follow their documentation requirements on all visits to get paid correctly without worry about audits or recoupments. We usually do ROS 3-4 months after last visit, and 3 years later needs a complete evaluation for a new patient visit.