Wiki Revascularization of finger


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The patient is receiving occupational therapy and the dx that is written on the order is as above. In the note states that patient has sustained severe finger lacerations while cleaning up some glass during a storm. I am not sure what dx code to use for sure. I don't think I can use the acute traumatic injury codes as the patient is in the healing stage. Any suggestions please? Thanks
You will need the reason for the visit, V57.21, the reason for treatment (e.g. limited ROM, weakness) and the late effects code (905-909).
thank you for your responses. The thing is that what was only written on the order was what I had stated earlier. So would I need to query for any late effects of the injury?
Do you have documentation of a symptom like pain, numbness, weakness "D/T" or "following" or "from" the injury in the notes?
i sent a query to the physician for any late effects. The reply that I got back was unknown.
So I am still not sure what I can use for a dx code other than the v57.1?