Wiki Return for Colonoscopy same day


Benson, AZ
Best answers
I have a pt that the Dr. did the colonoscopy on at our ASC. he completed the colonoscopy no biopsy was done but in the note states he was going to "send the pt to the hospital for a colonoscopy today for retreatement due to higher risk of bleeding and size of polyp". polyp was 30 mm the 2nd colon was just a Flex sig. he did do the biopsy at the hospital. This is a medicare pt, and the 1st colon was done as a screening. Question is since the second one was done on the same day which modifier to use. 76 or 78... ?????
I don't believe you would report a modifier at all because the initial procedure was done at your facility.....the hospital will need to put mod 78.
76 is for repeat procedure and that is not what is being done. The physician did a complete colonoscopy at your facility. Then, because of the size of the polyp, he opted to take the patient to the hospital for polyp removal during sigmoidoscopy. He is not repeating the procedure.... he is going in again for unforseen circumstances.
hope this helps.......