Wiki Retrieval of Stent


Katy, Texas
Best answers
Good morning,
At the time of the stent placement to the LAD it was noted that the stent was slipping back into the aorta. The procedure was aborted and the stent and the balloon were withdrawn. Cautery was performed, however, the slightly flared stent could not be retrieived through the existing sheath. It was decided to access and retrieve the stent that was still on the coronary wire. A #8 sheath was placed in the left common femoral and over the wire the snare and sheath that came with the snare were advanced to the area where the stent was and the stent was snared using the device and pulled out through the exisiting sheath in the left groin. Following that a Resolute stent was placed in the LAD.

In this situation can you bill for retrieval of the first stent?
Thanks, Pam