Wiki Retired Physician and we are


Dayton, PA
Best answers

I want to first thanky everyone who responded to my earlier post regaring this. Great information.

My question on this is, if the retired doctor did no do a transferr of treatment and did not us the 54 modifier, the patient comes to us for follow up can I use V codes, for example the patient had surgery comes to us for follow ups can I use a V58.78 (aftercare following surgery) with an E/M code?

Or if the paitent sustained a fracture of the ankle and now comes to us for the follow up care can I use a V code for healing fracture with an E/M code? I cannot use a fracture code at this point

I do not think I can use a modifier 55 on these since there is no transfer and they did not use modifier 54 on their end.

I am okay using an E/M code but was not sure on the diagnosis.

Thank you,
The dx will be the V codes for aftercare. You will probably not be paid as the original provider was already paid for the post op care.