Wiki Retinopathy of Prematurity dx help


Local Chapter Officer
Minot ND
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My ophthalologists often see premee's for Retinopathy of Prematurity at the hosptial. Thankfully, very few have this diagnosis, but after the 28th day of life I'm getting denials on the 765.1x or 765.2x codes. Is there anyother code I should use for "making sure they don't have" ROP?? I have suggested V71.89, but it's not that we suspect they have it, we just are checking to see if they do???
765.1 is for newborns which is i think less than 28 days. It might be 30 but i'm not sure. We use the ROP codes because our patient do have these diagnosis but if not then we use the V71.89. We do the same thing for DM who are being checked for retinopathy. Although i don't like to use the V71.89 code sometimes it's the only dx and i have not had any problems with it.