Wiki Resume Help


Irving, TX
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I really feel like my resume, along with my lack of experience is a hindrance to me even landing an interview. I am certified coder. In addition to my certification, during my externship, I also checked in patients, created, pulled, and filed patients charts. What do I need my resume to say to make me attractive to perspective employers?
I really feel like my resume, along with my lack of experience is a hindrance to me even landing an interview. I am certified coder. In addition to my certification, during my externship, I also checked in patients, created, pulled, and filed patients charts. What do I need my resume to say to make me attractive to perspective employers?

"during my externship, I also checked in patients, created, pulled, and filed patients charts. "...No, no, no...You have "medical front-office experience, including patient relations, insurance verification, and medical record maintenance."
You wish to expand your knowledge in healthcare administration, by gaining additional hands-on experience doing ___(skills of job you're applying for)__, alongside the knowledgable professionals at ___(Company name)___, because you know that those skills are crucial to your long-term goal, of one day (managing a practice/being a consultant/becoming a CEO/etc.).

Stay vague on the lengths of time you've been in the field - if they want to know, they can ask you at your interview, after they've already decided they like you, because you came dressed professionally. :)
At that point, you can explain that although you may lack tenure, you learn quickly, and have a desire to gain as much expertise as possible, from anyone who's willing to teach you.;)