Wiki Resume Critique Welcomes


Louisville, KY
Best answers

I have attached my resume and would appreciate any feedback. Vital information has been ommitted for security reasons.



  • Nicole Guernsey Resume-Final-1.doc
    37.5 KB · Views: 124
That's a beautiful resume! :) You have a lot of information but it's very well organized, great format. It looks so professional, it made me want to read the entire thing.

The only change I would suggest is putting your credentials behind your name. I don't see that you are credentialed until the very last line, not a lot of reviewers will get that far. You worked hard for those letters, show them off!
I too found your resume professional and comprehensive. I know you left out information for security reasons - just want to make sure that in your resume that goes out - that you have your contact information up there at the very top with your name. I enjoyed reading it.

You may also want to pay someone who works in Human Resources or a professional recruiter to review. Many times a person does not read the first time a resume comes in but it is scanned for "key words" electronically.

Best of luck to you in your job search.