Wiki Restarted Infusion Without Documented Stop BEforehand


Chillicothe, Texas
Best answers
Hello All,

I'm hoping to get some opinions regarding how to handle an unusual documented infusion entry. The patient received an infusion of lactated ringers, with frequency documented as Continuous. The times are documented as follows:

3/19 1117 New Bag 100mL/hr
3/19 1338 New Bag 100mL/hr
3/19 1444 Rate/Dose Verify 100mL/hr
3/19 2051 New Bag 100mL/hr
3/20 0028 Rate/Dose Verify 100mL/hr
3/20 0343 Restarted 100mL/hr
3/20 0613 Canceled Entry 100mL/hr
3/20 0614 Stopped 0mL/hr
3/20 0628 New Bag 100mL/hr

Normally, since this was documented as a continuous frequency infusion, I would count from the first entry on 3/19 1117 through 3/20 at 0614; However, with the "Restarted" entry and no "Stopped" time before that, I think I can only charge from the Restarted Time of 3/20 0343 through the Stopped Time 3/20 0614. The other question we had was whether the documented infusion time prior to the "Restarted" entry can be coded at all, mainly as IV pushes as opposed to infusion.

I appreciate any suggestions you may have :)

Hi there -

I believe your thinking about only being able to bill 0323-0614 as an infusion is correct, and then to bill 1117, 1338, and 2051 as pushes because of how they are documented.

So you would end up with:

96374 x 1
96376 x 2

96361 x 3

That's just my take on it, though.

Hello All,

3/19 1117 New Bag 100mL/hr
3/19 1338 New Bag 100mL/hr

3/19 1444 Rate/Dose Verify 100mL/hr
3/19 2051 New Bag 100mL/hr
3/20 0028 Rate/Dose Verify 100mL/hr
3/20 0343 Restarted 100mL/hr
3/20 0613 Canceled Entry 100mL/hr
3/20 0614 Stopped 0mL/hr
3/20 0628 New Bag 100mL/hr