Wiki Resources

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With the economy the way it is I am looking to save as much money as I can but get the best out of the money our practice spends.

I am looking for the advice from other Cardiology coders of what they feel they can not live without from resources, i.e. SuperCoder, encoderpro, Zhealth?? And all other resources that you can think of.

My doctors do interventional cardiology and I have 1 EP on staff.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
Right now the AAPC has a free trial of their AAPC Coder if you go to resources and then click on AAPC Coder you can register for a free trial until the end of the year.
Thank you I have that as a free option right now and it is good but overall as a practice I am looking from some other input on what others use. We have newsletters from a few locations but I am one that prefers internet sources.