Wiki Resident / Teaching Physician ratio?


Bethlehem, PA
Best answers
I have two questions about the CMS Teaching Physician rules. Any help finding the official (written) rule would be appreciated.

1. How many resident physicians may a teaching physician (TP) supervise at a time?

I've searched CMS, which clearly states a max. of four residents when in the Primary Care Exception (PCE) setting. I cannot find any guidance for non-PCE settings or private practice offices that are not primary care. I have also searched the ACGME without luck.

2. Can a TP also supervise a medical student when supervising residents?

I don't think that they can because CMS states "Have no other responsibilities, including the supervision of other personnel, at the time services are furnished by residents". If the med student was being supervised by the TP, the patient would be TP's patient because unlike residents, the student is not a physician.

Thank you in advance,
