Wiki Resident/Attending Signature Question


Lansing, MI
Best answers
I have a resident clinic that uses ACOG forms, The resident that sees the OB patient changes with every visit. The Attending must sign stating either He seen the patient with the resident or He reviewed the patient with the resident and sign the chart. My question is on the ACOG form they do multiple OB visits on this one form, Does the Attending have to sign each time the OB patient is seen or Only once because it is one charge for the OB package? Heidi:confused:
HI Heidi,

I am assuming if it is the same Attending that sees the patient then the one signiture should be sufice, but if it is multiple Attendings then it should have that particular Attending for that day. I hope that helps. :)
Hi Heidi,

I would get a signature everytime with the correct signoff. That way there is no question if you were to be audited.
