Wiki Resection jejujejunostomy


Saint Pauls, NC
Best answers
Hi everyone,

HELP..I am new to coding for General surgery. My doctor did a procedure that has blown my mind. Had a pt come into ER with gunshot wound to abodmen. Pt previously had gastric bypass and the bullet tore through this section. I am looking for a code for Resection of the jejujejunostomy. All the codes I found for resection, revision, or repair dealt with morbid obesity. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

HELP..I am new to coding for General surgery. My doctor did a procedure that has blown my mind. Had a pt come into ER with gunshot wound to abodmen. Pt previously had gastric bypass and the bullet tore through this section. I am looking for a code for Resection of the jejujejunostomy. All the codes I found for resection, revision, or repair dealt with morbid obesity. Any help would greatly be appreciated.


You will probably have to use one of those codes, and then the dx code should tell the rest of the story. You will use a code for the traumatic injury and an E code to explain the circumstances. It would be easier to advise you if we had a look at the op report to see exactly what procedure was being done.
Thank you for responding. We ended up billing a sb resection because that is really what he did after reading through the op note really well. Again, thank you for responding I will remember your suggestion for the future. :)