Wiki reporting aaaaall the codes?

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Hey everyone,

A few doctors I code for will select about 14 ICD-10 codes. They will only treat 1-2 of these and mention these in the H&P and assessment. Is there a need to report the rest of the diagnoses that are not treated?
Hey everyone,

A few doctors I code for will select about 14 ICD-10 codes. They will only treat 1-2 of these and mention these in the H&P and assessment. Is there a need to report the rest of the diagnoses that are not treated?
ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting state "Code all documented conditions that coexist at the time of the encounter/visit and that require or affect patient care, treatment or management". The key words are: "require or affect patient care, treatment or management". Documentation must support the codes assigned, and conditions which no longer exist cannot be coded. Hope this helps.
Hey everyone,

A few doctors I code for will select about 14 ICD-10 codes. They will only treat 1-2 of these and mention these in the H&P and assessment. Is there a need to report the rest of the diagnoses that are not treated?
This is something our doctors do as well. I've seen them choose over 12 diagnoses and I am always the one to get rid of the overwhelming majority of them on the claims as most of them are just symptoms of the causal diagnosis(es).