Wiki Reporting a,d,s codes


Monmouth County
Best answers
Happy New Year fellow Coders!!

Can someone please advise if it's necessary to continue reporting dx codes with the suffix A,D,S on every claim, or do you just report it once?

You report the injury code for every visit the injury is being attended whether it is for active treatment or continuing treatment during healing or for late effects of the injury that can happen days, weeks, months, or years later.
I am not certain what you are wanting.. if you look in the guidelines you should be able to find what you are wanting. It states for instance that you do not use Z codes for aftercare or follow up for injuries, you use the injury code with the appropriate 7th character for the status of the injury treatment. Can you give me an example of what they are saying you would not use the injury code?
Good morning

The Manager is instructing to not report these codes on every visit, especially the A suffix codes. He's also instructing to not list any dx with the D suffix as the primary dx code. Is any of this correct?
empirically no it is not correct if the purpose is to provide care due to an injury. The A is used only when you are performing active treatment for the injury so you first encounter with the patient might be the injury with a D and not the A. it just depends.. if the patient were treated first in the ER say they sutured a laceration and the patient was told to follow up with your provider then you visit would be the laceration code with the D since you are not providing active treatment. if the ER saw the patient for a fracture and it was reduced and treated in the ER then your first encounter is the fracture with a D.. If the ER was unable to reduce the fracture and they sent the patient to you for treatment then you first encounter is the fracture with the A. Can you provide an example where you think you need an injury code and your manager says not?
unfortunately, when and where I need to apply the suffix is not my question. My question is, do you carry the code over to every claim. Some Coders are saying yes, some are saying no. I don't think anyone really knows the answer. There were quite a few reviews, but no other responses.
The question is hard to apply the correct answer without some specifics..
You carry the injury code for each visit that the injury is still present either for active treatment (A), or subsequent care while the injury is healing (D) or if the patient is experiencing issues documented as being related to an earlier injury (S)
The injury code with the D can and many time will be the first listed code. The injury with D or S will be the first listed code if it is late effects from a poisoning or toxicity, That is about as general as I can answer. My question is if you are being told to not use the injury code with the D for the follow visits, then what are you using for these encounters. For instance how do you code for suture removal after a laceration repair?
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