Wiki Reporting 99273 question?


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If our doctor performs an Electroretinography (ERG), with interpretation and report with the procedure on one day and then the reading and report on a following day how should I report this?

Should it be: 92273 TC dos 12-10-18 for the technical component
92273 26 dos 12-13-18 for the professional component with written report signed & dated 12-13-18

or is it appropriate to bill: 99273 dos 12-10-18 for the total component with written report indicating this was the reading for the procedure done 12-10-18 being signed & dated 12-13-18

Do I need to send separate claims because the technical component and the professional component were provided on different dates?

Thank you!:rolleyes:
Since the same provider is "doing" the test and writing the I&R, I would just report it as a single code for the date the test was done as the DOS. No need to break it down to TC and 26.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC, COPC
how to report e/m on this?

Since the same provider is "doing" the test and writing the I&R, I would just report it as a single code for the date the test was done as the DOS. No need to break it down to TC and 26.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC, COPC

In this same scenario, how would I report the E&M for the first encounter with the Doctor? Example:
12-01-18 visual field test only by office tech billed under dr. & group NPI.
12-04-18 (new pt) E&M with the Doctor & results given from test on 12-01-18 billed under dr. & group NPI. Can I bill a new patient visit? I am questioning this because our claim for the visual field test provided on 12/01/18 was billed under the same dr & group NPI?
What is the proper way to bill this situation to allow for a new patient e/m to be billed?

Thank you very much for your help?
I'm a little confused. You have the patient in on 12/1 to do a field but the patient is a new patient and doesn't see the doctor until 12/4. How can the field test be ordered before the doctor sees the patient?

Tom Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC